Change Word to Light Mode (applies to All Office Apps) In this tutorial, we will show you how to personalize the theme and background of MS Word (Office apps), and change the Word to ‘light’ or ‘dark’ mode. The background and theme you apply in one Office app (e.g., Word) will change the theme and background of all the apps in the Office suite to provide a unified experience. When you use the new black theme (dark mode) for Word, it will change not only the theme of the toolbar and Ribbon but also the writing canvas of the Word document. Also, if you have Microsoft 365, you can use the new dark mode feature for your Office apps. However, Office' dark grey, colorful, and system themes are only available to Microsoft 365 version. This feature is available to Microsoft Office 365, Office 2019, and Office 2016. Microsoft Office allows you to easily switch between dark, light, colorful, dark grey, and system themes. Switching between modes will change the appearance of the toolbar, ribbon, and document canvas. The selected theme will apply to all Office apps.

In the 'Office Theme' drop-down menu, select 'White' for Light Mode or 'Black' for Dark Mode. To change Microsoft Word to Light or Dark Mode, open Word and click 'File' > 'Account' or 'Options'.