Step 1 – Installing The Sims 1 and Expansions Correctly

And that has included going back to where it all started!

With The Sims recently celebrating its 21st anniversary at the time of originally writing this tutorial, I have been in a nostalgic mood and re-discovering older Sims titles. Refer to the Troubleshooting section for instructions under “Windows 11 Fix / Game Not Launching”.

This fix may also work if you can’t get the game to launch on older operating systems, or you don’t have the Complete Collection so therefore can’t apply the optional patch. It also includes some monkey bars to train outdoors, and some tables for you and your friends to chat over tea.I have found a fix for Windows 11 which resolves a problem where the game would not launch following a recent update. It’s modeled after a cave with some natural-looking rocks and appropriate decorations. While the upper pool is ideal for fishing and relaxing, this lot shines for the bottom one. Our first entry isn’t a home, but a beautiful park with two different pools that’d be ideal for taking swimming classes, playing with your children, or just chilling with your fellow Sims.

Mostly all of the required details will be in the description so always check the download page for more details. Just keep that in mind when browsing through & installing any of these beautiful lots. While some of these are compatible with the base game, most of them need expansions and stuff packs – and some use Custom Creations (CC) as a powerful tool to design unique spaces. I’ve put together huge list of my favorite user-created lots, homes, parks, stores, dance clubs, mansions, all that good stuff to get you started on your Sim-focused real estate journey. Or you can marvel at other people’s creations online, and even bring them into your game! Maybe you enjoy the dollhouse-like character creator, the goofy activities you can make your Sims do, or the opportunity to create the home of your dreams.