Here are all cheat codes in Going Medieval that have been found at the moment: If some couldn't be found in this list, don't hesitate to let us know if we have missed any. Do it as many times as necessary, this will convert them into your side. Hello! Browse to the json file you saved earlier. Fish close to lava islands or fish that were given brilliant effects (with inside the water) cant be captured together along with your beginning fishing rod (itd simply get better to you). So, you don't need to download LibCraftopia by yourself. Craftopia Cheats, Codes, and Secrets for Xbox One - GameFAQs Craftopia - Cheats Xbox One Home Q&A Achievements Media News Board Know Something We Don't? The command block console can be accessed by walking up to it and simple right-clicking it. "-Rites of Romance Reviews on Voodoo Nights The Whitcombe Legacy. Run command prompt (windows search cmd, and open Command Prompt) Type ipconfig, and press Enter.